“I’ll get by with a little help from my friends,” so the song goes. These words have taken on a greater and deeper significance since the pandemic. So many people had to rely on family, friends, and community as never before. In times of crisis, we all need a strong safety net, which is where a local, community-owned co-op can help. 

Imagine a store owned by you, your family, your friends, and your neighbors. This is what the co-op model looks like. Not only are you one of the owners, you also get the opportunity to participate in the democratic process by electing a Board of Directors, and having input on the store itself. We will serve the community since we are owned by the community. 

We are having more events for people who want to learn more about the co-op model and how this can work in south Solano County. You are invited to attend and explore the enormous, positive impact co-ops make on their communities. 

Please forward our newsletter and website on to your family, friends, and neighbors whom you think would be interested. If you are on social media, please “like” and share our posts. This goes a long way to helping expand our reach. You can invite a Board member to speak at your next neighborhood gathering or organization meeting—we have a professional presentation all set. 

Let’s all join in together and make Cultivate Community Food Co-op a reality soon!