Help us reach our capital target
Our development timeline is based upon the support of our community and people like you. For financial viability, CCFC needs to sell 1200 owner shares before the doors open, and to reach 1500 after 1 year. Become an owner today and encourage your family, friends and neighbors. Your owner share will support our local food system, help build community and strengthen our local economy.
Full Fair Share* $300.00
Strongly encouraged to facilitate store opening
First Time Partial Share* $25.00
Continue these payments every quarter (or more often) until the Full Fair Share of $300 is reached. You will recieve a phone call to schedule recurring payments.
*A one time $8 processing fee is charged at the time of your initial purchase.

You are ready to become an owner of Solano County’s first food co-op for the Benicia/Vallejo area, but first we need you to read and agree to the following disclosures.
- Cultivate Community Food Cooperative, Inc. (CCFC) is a cooperative corporation organized under the Consumer Cooperative Corporation Law of California
- By becoming an Owner in CCFC you agree to our By-Laws. Click here to download and read the By-Laws.
- Owners must be a California resident.
- Each owner is entitled to one vote in the affairs of the Co-op.
- No voting by proxy is permitted.
- Only persons living in owner’s residence will use this account.
- I shall treat any distributions made to me as taxable income in the year allocated.